DIY Dog Shampoo
Meet Kylie, my 13-year-old retriever with a heart of gold. Kylie is such an amazing dog; she’s so patient with my kids and she’s always up for any adventure!
Kylie soaking up the sun at Carmel Beach.
Carmel is home to so many beautiful beaches and stunning hiking trails, so naturally we take Kylie with us whenever we spend time outside. It’s especially easy since our hometown is super accommodating to dogs. In fact, Carmel was recently rated the #1 Dog Friendly Town in America!
Me and my family enjoying outdoor time in Carmel.
I love spending time with my family outside, and Kylie loves playing in the water with my two sons, whether they’re boogie-boarding in the ocean waves or kayaking on the Carmel River. But while it’s easy for my kids to shower off after a long day outside, the upkeep on a golden retriever coat is way more labor intensive!
Kylie needs frequent baths to keep clean. But when I realized that most dog shampoos are full of potentially carcinogenic sulfates, phthalates, and other dubious chemicals, I decided to make my own shampoo that’s truly safe. While researching recipes, I learned that it’s possible to create your own all-natural dog shampoo from low-cost, effective, and readily-available ingredients.
So without further ado, here are three DIY shampoo recipes that leave your dog with soft, brushable fur.
1. Deep Cleaning Shampoo from PetCareRX
This is a simple shampoo that doesn’t require many ingredients, nor does it take much time to make.
You’ll need:
2 cups apple cider vinegar
2 cups unscented dish soap or liquid castile soap
4 cups of water
4 ounces of vegetable glycerin
First, mix the apple cider vinegar and dish soap in a container. Then, mix in the four cups of water and the glycerin. Shake well to ensure everything is mixed up and store in a clean, empty bottle.
2. Shampoo for Dry and Itchy Skin from the AKC
When your pooch suffers from itchy or dry skin, it can make them feel miserable. There are a number of commercial shampoos designed to help soothe your dog’s sensitive skin, but this simple one is made from all-natural ingredients.
You’ll need:
1 cup uncooked oatmeal
1/2 cup baking soda
1 quart warm water
Start by grinding the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, blender, or food processor until it reaches the consistency of flour. Combine the ground oatmeal, baking soda, and water in a large bowl, mix it up, and then pour into a clean, empty bottle for easy storage. Apply to your dog’s coat during bath time and leave it on for five minutes before rinsing.
3. Homemade Flea Shampoo from VetInfo
This shampoo repels fleas, ticks, and mosquitos while leaving your dog’s coat looking shiny and smooth.
You’ll need:
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup unscented dish soap or liquid castile soap
1 cup filtered water
Lavender, lemon, and/or peppermint essential oils
Start by mixing the apple cider vinegar, soap, and water in a bowl. Add a few drops of essential oils to the mixture. Then, store the shampoo in a clean, empty bottle. For best use, leave the suds on for five minutes before rinsing.
Do you love spending time outside with your dog? Let us know in the comments below!