DIY All-Natural Brown Sugar Scrub
Image source: Cardamom and Coconut
Every fall and winter, as temperatures drop and the air grows crisp, my skin becomes dry and itchy. I like to introduce an extra step in the cooler months to keep my skin hydrated and maintain a healthy glow. Today, I’m sharing my easy recipe for an all-natural sugar scrub!
Made from just two ingredients (brown sugar + your choice of oil), this simple little scrub has worked wonders on my skin! It’s absolutely free of the harmful parabens, sulfates, phthalates, and preservatives found in store-bought scrubs -- this recipe is so safe, it’s even edible.
Sugar body scrubs are great for exfoliating your skin -- not only do they remove dead skin cells, they also lift away dirt and excess oil and stimulate circulation. I like to use brown sugar in my scrub because it’s gentler than other sugars and safe for sensitive skin. Glycolic acid -- a natural humectant -- occurs naturally in brown sugar, and is helpful for cleansing the skin and dissolving dead skin cells while preserving the skin’s natural oils.
When I first started making my own body scrubs, I used extra virgin olive oil for conveniences’ sake, but I’ve since changed to jojoba oil. I recommend trying out different oils -- or mix and match -- to see what works best for you! Here are some other options:
Coconut oil is moisturizing, conditioning, and won’t clog your pores. It’s known for effectively reducing redness, evening out the skin tone, and increasing glowiness.
Jojoba oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help soothe and condition irritated skin. The Vitamin E and B-complex vitamins in jojoba oil also help repair chafed or chapped skin.
Cocoa butter smells absolutely divine, since it’s derived from the cocoa bean. It’s also high in fatty acids, which is why it’s known for its ability to deeply hydrate and nourish the skin while improving elasticity. The fat in cocoa butter also forms a protective barrier over the skin to hold in moisture.
Of course, these are just some ideas to get you started -- enjoy coming up with your own sugar scrub for healthy skin that’s glowing, soft, and supple, even in cold weather!
Image source: Maddie Bazzocco on Unsplash
How to Make a Sugar Scrub
Place 1 cup of sugar in a medium-size bowl and add the oil 1 tablespoon at a time, mixing in between. You will use around 4 tablespoons of oil, depending on your desired consistency.
The consistency should be sandy, not soupy. If the mix is too soupy, the sugars will dissolve in a day or two and won’t slough the skin as well, but you’ll still get the moisturizing benefits of the oil. If it’s too soupy, just add more sugar!
Store in a jar with a tight lid. The sugar scrub is best used within 1 month.
I like to use my sugar scrub in the shower, or in the morning on my face as part of my natural skincare routine! I also find it so relaxing to have a nice soak in the bath to help soften the outer layers of my skin and make it easier to exfoliate. You’ll be left with beautiful, glowing, soft, and supple skin!
If you try this all-natural sugar body scrub, please let me know! Leave a comment below; I love to hear what you think!